Community Bingo Hall

Your community bingo victorville

Hello fellow Kingmanites! Hopefully everyone came through this recent cold snap and are looking forward to warmer weather, longer days and more ice time!
Upon review of our current finances, the Kingman Recreation Association has moved ahead with the request to charge a small user fee for the rink. Unfortunately, costs have risen and revenue has fallen which has brought us to this situation.
Our requested fees are:
Yearly Family Rate: $100/year
Yearly Individual Rate: $50/year
Single Family Rate: $10/use
Single Individual Rate: $5/use
Please either give to Colleen or Sharon at the post office during business hours or e-transfer to:
Thank you all and we appreciate your understanding. Stay safe and have fun!
The long awaited day is here! The Kingman ice is complete and we welcome skaters to the rink! Please be advised that due to Covid restrictions, the building (lace up area and washrooms) are closed until further notice. We would respectfully request that all visitors follow Alberta Health Services guidelines in order to protect our fellow community members. Also, donations towards upkeep and maintenance and future use and enjoyment are always gratefully accepted. If you wish, please send donations to Kingman Recreation Association c/o PO Box 76, Kingman, AB T0B 2M0 or slip a cheque or cash in an envelope under the post office door with reference to the KRA. Thanks all and enjoy!
All community members are invited to the KRA Board Meeting to be held on Tuesday, June 9 at 7:00 at the Kingman Community Hall.
Time to get on that lawnmower again and help keep the Kingman Hall area looking neat and groomed! We are looking for one family a week to cut the grass and do the trimming around the arena. It would take 2 people about 3 hours. The KRA will provide the equipment and fuel - you provide the people power! Please contact Adele at 780 662-4867 if you would like to take a week. The mowing is usually done (weather dependant) on Thursdays in order to have it completed by the weekend.
Unfortunately due to the warm weather conditions this past week, the rink has deteriorated to the point where kids' Tuesday night pond hockey is unable to continue. Also, the rink will not be cleared off if snow falls so if there is snowfall, any users will be responsible to clear off the snow. Thank you all for a fun (if not short) rink season! Please remember to watch this page for notices regarding updates for the rink and the arena in the spring!

Dance Classes At Kingman Hall!


Learn how to two-step just in time for all those summer weddings! The Kingman Recreation Association is pleased to be able to offer a 4 week beginner two-step class at Kingman Hall on Thursdays evenings from 7:00-8:30. The cost is $20 per couple for the entire 4 week session. This class is being graciously subsidized by a grant from Camrose County. Please contact Adele at 780 662-4867 with questions or to register. Space is limited. Classes to start Thursday, February 27 and run every two weeks until April 9.

Pond Hockey Cancelled......


Due to the snowfall today, the rink is covered and pond hockey will not be running this evening. Unless further notified, we will continue next Tuesday. Have a great evening all!
The sounds of a puck ricocheting off the boards, kids laughing and shouting, parents yelling encouragement, skates scraping against the ice..........Kingman vs. Camrose in a showdown!
The pond hockey kids from Camrose took on the pond hockey kids from Kingman on Tuesday, February 4.
Thank you to Camrose Fun Hockey for coming out and providing pictures. Thanks to all the parents and coaches for coming out to help make such a fun evening happen. Let's do it again soon!
Just a quick update - the rink will be closed this evening - February 6 for flooding in preparation for the Friday Night Skate Party tomorrow February 7. Please stay off the ice tonight but join us tomorrow. Thanks all!

Private Rink Rentals? We can do that!


Did you know that the Kingman Rink of Dreams is available for rent for private events? It's a perfect venue for birthday parties, family get togethers, minor hockey practices and more!
When you book the Rink of Dreams, Kingman Recreation Association will post signs notifying the closure for your private event. You will have access to the lace up room, washrooms and kitchen if required. Contact Larry at 780 678-6977 today!

Another Lutefisk Supper Come and Gone


Well folks, another successful lutefisk supper was undertaken by amazing volunteers and enjoyed by many! A huge shout out and thank you to all the wonderful community volunteers for giving of their precious time and resources. A further thank you to all who came out and enjoyed the delicious food and warm company! See you next year!!
Please join us every Friday evening (weather dependant) at 7:00 for our community night skating parties! Bring the whole family, your hockey helmet and cash in your pocket for the concession! Hope to see you there!

The longstanding tradition of a winter lutefisk meal continues! Join the Kingman Community for Lutefisk Supper on Friday, December 6 2019. This meal includes all the trimmings: LUTEFISK, meatballs, salads, buns, potatoes, LEFSE and homemade pie for dessert! An excellent meal and a funky Norwegian tradition. Connect with old friends and bring your new friends to this truly unique meal!
Friday, December 6, 2019
noon seating (by reservation only, generally for seniors and those with limited mobility)
Call Colleen to reserve a seat at 780 672 3712.

4:30pm to 7:30pm (drop in, no reservation needed but
if you want to give us a heads up, fill out
the quick form below so we can get excited
about seeing you).
Cost: $32 for the meal
$15 if you are 12 and under.
free for kids aged 0-4

Proceeds from the Lutefisk Supper go towards keeping our Community Hall and Rink of Dreams going for another year. Thank you for your continued support and see you at the table!

Hey Kids! Shinny at the Kingman Rink every Tuesday starting at 6:30pm finished by 8pm. Drop in each week until the ice isn't great anymore! A local coach will run through some drills and then you will play some good old fashioned hockey. Kids of all ages welcome! Parents are encouraged to volunteer to help out, please visit the rink Tuesday evenings to meet Justin and join in the fun!

Kingman celebration covered by the Camrose Booster


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Saturday, December 15th the Kingman Recreation Association grandly and officially celebrated Kingman's newest achievement, the Kingman Rink of Dreams. Starting three years ago from a humble idea to get kids in the community back on the ice to now a community supported multi season facility. The facility features an NHL regulation rink and beautiful building with change rooms, washrooms, garage and kitchen. It is also home to our post office. The event celebrated the many sponsors and volunteers that supported building the rink. Hot dogs, hot chocolate and cake were served to all the guests in attendance. A presentation by junior figure skaters and an Augustana Choir festive quintet were enjoyed. The kids and adults alike got on the ice for a fun game of shinny, balloons taped to their helmets. Once the balloon shinny was finished, folks got on the ice for a social skate. A fabulous day for all. Thank you to our committee organizers of the event and to all of our many volunteers and sponsors. A wonderful gift for Christmas, see you on the ice!

Lutefisk 2018- A delicious success!


What a day! The lutefisk supper was a smashing success. We served 85 folks at the noon seating and 352 at the evening meal. That's a total of 436 lutefisk lovin' folks! Thanks for supporting our community hall! A HUGE thank you goes to all of our 100 wonderful volunteers! Thank you for making pies, for making meatballs, for picking up lutefisk, for cutting lutefisk, for cooking lutefisk, for serving lutefisk, for clearing and cleaning up lutefisk and finally thank you for keeping our extended community's longstanding love affair with lutefisk going! Lutefisk volunteers we thank you!

Rink of Dreams Grand Opening!


You are all invited to the Kingman Rink of Dreams Grand Opening on December 15th 2018 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm.
​The event begins with a short program and a special performance from an Augustana Choir Quartette!
Bring your sticks for a friendly game of hockey and
get your festive mood on with Christmas music, free skating and cake!
Let's celebrate what we accomplished! And by we, we mean all of our volunteers who helped build, fundraise, our sponsors and those who continue to keep our rink going!

Lefse with the Kingman Historical Society


The Kingman Historical Society led lefse making day early this week, in preparation for the Lutefisk Supper on December 7th. It was a busy day of mixing, rolling, packing and or course snacking! There was a crack team of experienced lefse makers guiding the less experienced but youthfully exuberant assistants from the local school. Thank you to all of our volunteers!
​If you love lefse as much as we do, you can get a taste of our fine work at the Lutefisk supper AND it will be available for purchase at the Kingman Museum on December 7th. Not only will Lefse be available at the museum but so will other Scandinavian treats and lutefisk. Make your Scandinavian Christmas meal complete!

Play Bingo-6 Nights a Week!

Community bingo hall

Welcome to the Kiwanis Hall Bingo Page. We offer fun filled BINGO nights six nights a week.


Kiwanis Hall in Hudson, NH is conveniently located right off major routes of Route 3, FE Everett Turnpike, and Route 93.

We have the largest indoor, heated, air conditioned smoking area in New Hampshire. Not a smoker, don't worry- our adjoining non-smoking hall is just as comfortable. Plenty of parking, large roomy walkways and tables, and a full service kitchen make this New Hampshire's busiest Bingo Hall.

Community Bingo Hall Manchester New Hampshire

The volunteers for our different organizations run around like bunnies all night long, answering calls, questions, making change, bringing winnings, and more. You won't see a more courteous group any where in New England. They make it easy for you to just sit down and play!

Kiwanis Bingo Hall has an extensive menu of freshly prepared and snack food for simple fare such as hot dogs, popcorn, ice cream, chips, candy, coffee, soda and the like. Click here to see the menu.

3690 S Estrella Pkwy, Goodyear, AZ 85338. (623) 512-8878.

Community bingo hall manchester nh

Cool Community Association is a non profit, California 501c3 corporation dedicated to preservation and enhancement of the Historic Cool Hall. The Historic Cool Hall was established in 1948. Now, as over the last 7 decades, an all volunteer organization keeps our Hall open for our community. Bingo Hall is the ultimate bingo party game! Use 'Local' mode to host your own Bingo parties with any number of people! OR use 'Online' mode to host an online game of up to 50 people! Ocala bingo hall Ocala bingo hall Ocala bingo hall. WEDNESDAY CHECK YOUR CALENDER! CHECK YOUR CALENDER! CRAZY QUARTERS ALL DAY! 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 for a chance at $250. Serving Our Community 'Ocala Bingo did a pet food drive for the Humane Society of Marion County and we are so grateful. Look at all that pet food! Thank you so much for.


Community Bingo Hall

Winning is easy at Kiwanis Bingo Hall- the largest Carryover Coverall in New England!